20s Work 10s rest for a total of 8 rounds in 4 minutes.
Perform the first exercise for the 20s and during the 10s rest, get in position and get ready for the second exercise.
Tricep Extension
Squats & Shoulder Press
SL Shoulder Elevated Bridge Reps
Single Leg Shoulder Elevated Bridge
Single Leg Bridge
Side Plank
Side Plank w Twist
Side Plank L&R
Side Plank Clam Hold
Side Plank Clam Hold Mini Band
Shoulder Elevated Bridge Hold & Reps
Shoulder Elevated bridge HOld & Reps Side View
Rotational Crunch
Push Up & Seated Row
Plank & Bicycles
Planks & Hollows
Opposite Arm-Leg Raise
Mini Band Side Plank Clam
Hammer Curl & Shoulder Press
Hollows & Bicycle Crunches
Hammer Curl & High Pull
Modified Push Up & Seated Row
Modified Planks and Modified Hollows
Deadlift & Shrugs